Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ecuador - Medical Care

Ecuador - Medical Care I am hoping to collect stories of experiences with the medical system in Ecuador. If you have a story to tell, please share it with me.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Mexico

New Mexico Photos of our land in the Zuni Mountains in New Mexico. We are going to find it hard to sell it.

San Clemente to Bahia by the beach

San Clemente to Bahia by the beach You can make this walk when the tide is out. Leave at low tide and return by taxi.

Aloe and Eggshells - Folklore in Ecuador

Aloe and Eggshells - Folklore in Ecuador
I am collecting some of the interesting practices of the Ecuador. This is my favorite, so far.

Poems - Personal Best

Poems - Personal Best
Some of my readers favorite poems.